Saturday, March 8, 2008

Spending $$$

So I don't know why I feel like writing about this, but maybe it will be therapeutic. Cary and I do not have credit cards. Therefore, we pay cash or use our debit card for EVERYTHING. Which means, when we spend, it comes DIRECTLY out of our account. Yes, process that for a second. There's NO wiggle room! There's no supplementing our income with credit cards like what many Americans do. Well, we had some money saved up, plus a little extra from mom, to spend on our new house. And it's been really fun buying new things that I've wanted for a LONG TIME but didn't want to spend $$$ on. Like bedspreads for example. Today, we bought the girls a very nice new dresser and chester drawer set, plus two mattresses for our guest room (not the cheap flat ones), which as you can imagine, added up quickly. I still want to hyperventilate when I think of how much I spent. And even though I'm still under budget, it made me physically nauseous to spend that much $$$ in one day. To the point that Cary had to bring me home because I was so irritable and anxious and wanting to vomit. Is that crazy? And these were things we not only needed, but had the money to buy but it still made me sick. I'm almost certain that is not normal female behavior. I'm still suffering from extravagant spending-itis. So much so, that I'm having ramen noodles for dinner to help ease the pain off my checking account. Am I crazy? Does anyone else ever feel this way when you spend a large amount of money all at once? This will keep me up tonight obsessively counting every penny I've spent and figuring out how much I can still spend. I told Cary today, "I know credit cards are so bad and it's good that we don't use them, but somehow it seems to feel better when you put something on a credit card rather than on your debit card. Isn't that backwards? Shouldn't it feel better to know that you payed cash for something and that you own it outright?"

Okay I thought spilling my guts about this would make me feel better. But it hasn't. Quick! Make me feel better. Someone! Anyone!


Anonymous said...

we do have credit cards, but have a rule....whatever goes on there must be paid off in less than 30 days. sometimes, i even pay them off the same day i use makes me feel better that way.

yes - when i spend large amounts, it makes me want to crawl in a hole and not spend for a while. i do admit to being a little ocd with our budget on a spreadsheet and this is how we save $$$.

Stephanie said...

I know exactly what you mean. After about 3 years of paying major credit card debt (and not charging any more), we are down to one teeny tiny credit card bill that should be gone next month. So we are finally spending just a little bit more on ourselves and I still feel guilty. That's a good sign though don't ya think? I want to know if you've moved yet.

A Perfect Pandemonium said...

We don't use credit cards either. I hate them. I hate spending so much money at once as well. I also feel if you put something on credit it seems like you're not spending it just yet! I think I am more aware of what I buy now that I have stopped using credit. It's for the best, trust me. I like to buy too many clothes for my boys!

Karen said...

We just paid off all of our debt and enjoy not having ANY credit cards! I like paying cash!! We just bought a new mattress and it made me sick it cost so much! I understand your pain!!

Kim said...

I think you have a healthy attitude about it, even though it made you feel physically ill. Thinking about the money you spend makes you appreciate what you have. We no longer have credit cards and when we did I would get physically ill when we would spend money on them. Feel better!

AdventurerMom said...

mom and dad are down to just working off the mortgages, no credit card debt here, tho' we still have two that we pay off each month everything that was chargable...
is just not normal based on normnal=severely in debt...
alls for now.

Mel :-) said...

I know what you mean- On one hand paying cash/using the debit card for a huge purchase is hard to do, BUT, it feels SO good to not have to use credit cards!! I love that feeling of having the money to buy what we want and not have to worry about a bill coming at the end of the month!!

Anonymous said...

I get "sticker shock" when we have to make a major purchase. I get very nervous, even if I know we can afford it. I think buying a car is the absolute worst! Appliances aren't very much fun either!


Anonymous said...

Could you please breathe heavily into a plastic bag seal it and send it to me. I will open it and get Mimi to breathe it in and hopefully catch whatever -itis you have. Wish we could have done exactly what you are doing many years ago.
Dada G