Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Just some thoughts...

What's up with that creepy music on every show on the History Channel? Ofcourse this is Cary's favorite channel and sometimes I'll walk through the house and every t.v. in the house will be tuned into the History Channel and it just freaks me out! I like history, but is the music necessary, really?

Should you be offended when someone deletes you from their facebook friend list for no given or apparent reason and what is this, like high school or something? Who does that???

We're on day #2 of a semester long new schedule of Daddy not getting home from work/school till after 8 p.m. three nights a week. Day 2 I said! A whole semester. I need Calgon! Call me crazy, but when I said "I DO" I thought that meant I was married and had a spouse! A helper! 7 days a week!

Speaking of "I DO" today is my 8 yr anniversary. We've had 6 yrs of wedded bliss and 2 yrs of wedded miss! Thankfully, we're back to bliss! As much bliss as you can have with small children and a crazy schedule!

I got a CRAZY whacked out phone for my anniversary today! It's the Samsung version of the iphone and wowsers! Who knew a phone could do so much. It's a camera/phone/computer/ipod/navigation all in one! It will take me till next year to learn how to use it and by then I'll be ready for a new phone. But hey, it's PINK! I love it!


circus of love said...

Hey we will hit 10 years of wedded bliss and 2 years of wedded miss next month.
Your phone sounds fun!! I want the Verizon version of the iphone next.

Anonymous said...

I would not be offended about the facebook thing....I have even had friends leave b/c too many wouldn't quit asking them to be their friend. I like it for keeping up with people, but sometimes it does feel like high school. Oh well.

Happy Anniversary & I bet you already love your new phone.

Texas Aggie in Florida said...

I mean, delete you from their friend list but they are still alive and well on facebook, just weeding out their "friends" I guess?

Jonatha said...

I delete people if I don't really know them. I've had people add me as friends and I accept just to be nice then delete them a couple of months later. I'm rude, I know. It makes it even worse when they come back and add me again...

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say earlier.....I agree about the history channel music. My hubby LOVES the history channel & it drives me crazy!!! The only history show I like that he watches is "Drive through History"....it is actually a pepped-up show about the history of the Bible with a guy that really keeps your interest as they travel in places that Paul, Jesus, Moses etc were.

Stephanie said...

Happy Anniversary!
And I didn't tell you this but now that you brought it up...Stephanie H got on her ex-husband's FB and deleted Stephen from his friends. Now THAT's high school!

Lorrikg said...

Congrats on the new phone. Nicole talked me into the Google phone - that thing is huge and heavy. I tease her that it isn't just a phone/computer thing it is a self defense device. You throw it at the attacker and it will knock them cold.

As for Facebook, I am sad to admit this but I work with computers every day but with Facebook I am special. I accidentally deleted a few people because I thought you could arrange them like on Myspace. Perhaps this person was 'special' like me. Of course I deleted my relatives including Amira so there was lots more drama.

Hugs to the girls.

Stephanie said...

It's me again! After reading the way I wrote what I wrote, I realized it came out all wrong. I was trying to agree that deleting someone from Facebook (on purpose and if you do know them) IS indeed high school. Then I was trying to give another example...how much more childish it is to get on someone else's FB and delete THEIR friends b/c you don't like their friends...anyway...I think you understand what I was trying to say. And I can't imagine why anyone would want to delete you on purpose!

Betsy Nickel Photography said...

The only reason they would delete you on purpose is because they are childish and immature!!! It IS highschool and unfortunately some people never grow up! Hey....you still have ME though, so it doesn't really matter!! :0)

Betsy Nickel Photography said...

PS...Anyone who has that much time to think about DELETING people from Facebook......has WAY too much time on their hands!!!!! Get a LIFE!!